7075 aluminum

Aluminum alloys remain top-of-the-line materials used in several different industries today. These metals have high relative strength, excellent strength-to-weight ratio, and improved machinability. Among the most popular aluminum alloys for manufacturing are 6061 aluminum and 7075 aluminum. While similar in some areas, there are some notable differences between 6061 vs. 7075 aluminum.

During material selection, it is crucial to understand the various features of the materials in question. It is also essential to know the differences between the various CNC machinable aluminum alloys available. Therefore, this article aims to establish the features of 7075 aluminum vs. 6061 aluminum. This will show you where each of these alloys excels and where you should not use them.

6061 Aluminum Alloy in Review

This alloy is a renowned member of the 6000 series. It is often referred to as a jack of all trades due to its versatility and excellent mechanical properties. Its relatively low cost throws its usefulness up a significant notch.

6061 aluminum displays good machinability, excellent corrosion resistance, and good tensile strength. Manufacturers employ this for many extrusion projects because of its easy workability. It is a suitable option for applications in electrical products, automotive and aerospace products, piping, consumer products, and more.

7075 Aluminum Alloy in Review

A member of the 7000 series with zinc being its main component, 7075 aluminum is famous for its increased strength. Its increased mechanical strength accounts for its popularity in the defense and aerospace industries.

This alloy also withstands fatigue stress well, making it a reliable option in various industries. When you compare 7075 aluminum vs. 6061 aluminum, 7075 alloy has a comparatively higher cost. Its machinability is also at a reasonable level, but it is a little less weldable. The most common uses are in aircraft frames, plastic mold tooling, high-end bicycle components, etc.

 6061 vs. 7075 Aluminum: The Differences

1. Alloy Series and Chemical Composition

You can deduce the first difference between 6061 and 7075 aluminum from their names. 6061 aluminum is a member of the 6000 class or alloy series. This class has silicon and magnesium as its primary alloy component. On the other hand, 7075 aluminum alloy is a member of the 7000 series. As a result, it uses zinc and copper as the primary alloying elements.

2. Mechanical Properties

Yield strength

7075 aluminum alloy has a higher yield strength than 6061 aluminum. Consequently, 7075 aluminum is able to withstand more pressure and more impact without deformation. The yield strength of 7075 aluminum is due to its chemical composition and heat treatment. However, the yield strength of 276MPa means that 6061 aluminum is not completely weak.

Thermal conductivity

Aluminum alloys are generally good conductors of heat. However, the thermal conductivity of 7075 aluminum vs. 6061 aluminum varies. This is also a result of their chemical compositions and heat treatment. 6061 aluminum’s thermal conductivity is slightly higher than that of 7075 aluminum. Therefore, it is an excellent choice in heat exchangers whose primary requirement is heat dissipation.

Electrical resistivity

Both 7075 and 6061 aluminum have low electrical resistivity, meaning that they are good electrical conductors. Thus, these alloys are suitable for electrical use. However, a difference between 6061 and 7075 aluminum is that 6061 has the lowest electrical resistivity. Therefore, it is a better conductor of electricity than 7075 aluminum.


Elasticity helps you to make sense of the resilience of materials and their resistance to deformation. It also correlates to material stiffness. Both 7075 and 6061 aluminum have similar responses to elastic deformation.

Temperature resistance

We analyze the temperature resistance of 7075 t6 vs. 6061 t6 by comparing their melting points. 7075 aluminum has a slightly lower melting point of 477 – 635°C than 6061 aluminum with a melting point of 582 – 652°C. Thus, 6061 alloy can withstand higher temperatures better than 7075 alloy. However, you should note that 7075 aluminum has an excellent reaction to heat treatment. It also allows for a much better distribution of elements in the metal.

Material hardness

The hardness of materials establishes their ability to resist deformation by indentation, penetration, or other means. Both alloys are hard enough to resist pressure and not crack or deform. However, 7075 aluminum is harder than 6061 aluminum.

Corrosion resistance

6061 aluminum alloy is more resistant to corrosion than 7075. The reason for this is not far-fetched. There is a much higher amount of copper in the 7075 alloy than in 6061. Since copper reacts more with the environment, corrosion is bound to occur.

3. Fabrication Considerations

When dealing with fabrication, 6061 aluminum alloy has the edge over 7075 aluminum alloy. This is often due to the lower hardness and tensile strength of the 6061 alloy. Its lesser hardness allows for easy machining, while the lower tensile strength ensures better formability. You can join both materials by soldering, brazing, or use of adhesives. However, 6061 aluminum is weldable, while the 7075 variant is considered not weldable.

 6061 vs. 7075 Aluminum: Applications

There is a kind of application ‘overlap’ between 6061 and 7075 alloys. Both alloys are useful for making automotive parts, aerospace components, and consumer products. However, they differ in the specific areas of use.

Some typical uses of 6061 aluminum alloy include:

  • Building products
  • Automotive parts
  • Electrical products
  • Bicycle frames
  • Piping

Some typical uses of 7075 aluminum include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Missile parts
  • Aircraft components
  • Gears and shafts
  • Fuse parts
  • Regulating valves

 6061 vs. 7075 Aluminum: Which One to Choose?

Making a choice among alloys of the same metal may be a little tricky. As with several other things, your choice will depend on certain factors, the major one being the intended application. Other factors include manufacturing conditions and costs.

Being a versatile alloy, 6061 is suitable for several structural components. It is useful when:

  • A lot of machining is required
  • There is a need for a lot of welding on the part
  • Corrosion is a concern
  • Cost is a primary factor

On the other hand, 7075 aluminum is more useful when:

  • High strength to weight ratio is crucial
  • There will be high exposure of the plant to heat
  • Lots of friction is involves
  • Cost is less of a concern


We cannot overstate the importance of material choice in product development. Aluminum alloys are among the most widely used metal for fabrication processes. This article compared 7075 aluminum vs. 6061 aluminum based on various parameters, including their unique features and specific applications. Therefore, you must consider each material to ensure that you are selecting the ideal one for your project.

metal surface finishes

Metal surface finishing is essential in part production. No matter how good the finished part is, quality metal surface finishing can only make it better.

Just as there are different types of metals, there are also different types of metal finishing techniques. Not knowing the appropriate metal finishing techniques for a construction can result in material wastage, thus, raising the cost of manufacturing. This could also lead to an increase in cycle time and possibly deny the client the opportunity of being market leaders. To avoid such undesirable results, you first need to understand how to give your product the right finish appropriately. This will have a significant impact on the cost, quality, and attractiveness of the project.

 Surface Finishes Basics

Surface finishing is also referred to as surface texture, surface roughness, or surface topology. The name already explains what the concept stands for. It is the process of altering a metal’s surface by adding, removing, or reshaping. Machinists use metal surface finishing for protective chemical reactions on metal surfaces and to also beautify them.

Choosing the type of metal surface finish to use on a metal is just as important as the process itself. The type of surface finishing used is dependent on the end usage of the product. For instance, medical-grade and optical instruments require the finest surface finishing. However, other less sensitive industries or application areas may not require such fine finishing.

Importance of Surface Finishes

Machinists do not use surface finishes just for their aesthetic value only. They also serve as a means of protection to the metal.

The exciting benefits of surface finishes include:

  • It helps to enhance aesthetics
  • Increases the metal’s resistance to corrosion
  • Ease for the manufacturing process

A proper surface finishing makes the manufacturing process easier. For instance, a well-brushed and sandpapered surface adheres to paints easier, relieving the manufacturer of stress.

  • Surface finishes help to improve metal conductivity
  • It increases the surface resistance to chemicals, protecting it from chemical attacks
  • It increases strength and resistance to wear
  • A proper surface finish helps to minimize friction effects

Metal Surface Finishes

There are different types of metal finishes you can adopt for your next project. The kind of project at hand dictates which type of finishing you should adopt. Below are some common metal surface finishes you should know:



Machinists use this electrolytic passivation process to increase the thickness of the natural oxide layer on the surface of metals. Machinists anodize metals to increase their resistance to wear and corrosion. It also helps primers and glues adhere easily to metal surfaces than ordinary metals do. If you anodized a metal, you would have altered the microscopic texture of the surface of the metal. Anodized metal surfaces seem to be harder than ordinary metal surfaces.

Powder Coating

This method requires the use of electricity to deposit a dry powder on the metal surface. After depositing powder on the surface electrostatically, the machinist moves the metal into an oven to obtain better adhesion of the powder on the metal surface through a chemical reaction. This metal surface finish is widely used in the military industry, automotive industry, and tools manufacturing industry.


This is a metal finishing process that can eliminate impurities and irregularities from a metal’s surface. This method requires the use of pickle liquor, an acidic substance. The liquor serves several purposes, including as additives that help to prevent metal corrosion. Therefore, machinists use pickling in almost all metal manufacturing processes. During the metal fabricating process, if a metal passes through a hot process, it may have an oxide layer on it.

This is where pickling comes in. It helps to clean up the surface, rendering it smooth by descaling. However, as a result of the acidic process of pickling, it may also cause corrosion by itself. Therefore, pickling is usually performed before other surface treatment processes. They will help to eliminate whatever problem that arises during pickling.


Polishing is the production of a shiny metal surface by using either physical rubbing or chemicals. It helps to produce a metal surface that has an excellent specular reflection surface. Another added advantage of finishing is that it can be used on new and used parts.


This is a typical machining process that helps to remove irregularities on a metal surface. Machinists use this process after construction and before painting or coating. Grinding helps smoothen the metal surface, and it is done using a hand-held machine called a grinding wheel or grinder.

How to Measure Surface Finish

Measuring the surface finish of a metal involves measuring the surface roughness of the metal. To do this, you need to properly examine and analyze the irregularities you find on the surface.

There are two common ways you can adopt to analyze the irregularities, and they include:

  1. Using a surface roughness comparator

The first method requires using a surface roughness comparator. It is a manual process; thus, it has low accuracy. Roughness comparators are available for some common finishing processes, including casting, shot blast, grit blast, the surface turned, cylindrical ground, conventional machining, and electrical discharge machining.

  1. Using a surface profile scanner

The second method, on the other hand, requires using a surface profile scanner. This provides more precise measurement as it uses laser scanning. Therefore, it is the most common method due to its high accuracy.

  1. Using a coordinate measuring machine

Originally, machinists use coordinate measuring machines to measure the height, width, and depth of parts. However, new sensors on these machines allow them to automatically measure surface finishes. This way, you can switch between part scanning and surface finish measurement easily.

 How to Choose metal surface finishes

Choosing suitable metal surface finishes is easy; all you have to do is consider specific factors. These factors include:

  1. Speed

Each metal surface finishes requires different time frames. Some are fast, while some are slow. If you have to complete a project as quickly as possible, consider adopting a surface finishing with the fastest processing time.

  1. Material

All metal surface finishing is not suitable for all metals. What you, therefore, have to do is first to consider the material your piece is made of and choose a proper surface finishing for such material.

  1. Budget

You should opt for cost-effective finishing. Some finished materials sell at low prices; applying an expensive finish on the ones you are fabricating may raise the cost and likely scare off your potential customers.


Proper surface finishing is essential in metal parts production. Not only is it good for the end-user, but it also puts the manufacturer at an advantaged position. However, not knowing the proper way it should be done may put both manufacturers and end-users in a disadvantaged position. To avoid such, take the time to study your needs, look for the most suitable finishing for the job, learn how it should be done, and set out to make it happen.

CNC history

Presently, CNC machining is a popular manufacturing process with a wide range of industrial applications. However, what do you know about CNC history? Have you ever thought about the history of CNC machines? In this article, we’ll delve into the origination and evolution of CNC machining.

 What Is CNC Machining?

CNC machining is a manufacturing process in which a computer directs machines using programming codes to make a product. CNC machining is a subtractive manufacturing process. This means that the computer program directs these tools (for example, drills, mills, and lathes) to constantly chip away at a workpiece. This continues until the desired product is formed.

Advantages of Using CNC Machining

CNC machining has extensive industrial applications. For example, industries such as aerospace, health, and consumer electronics rely on their advantages. Below are the advantages of CNC machining.

1. CNC Machining Is A High Precision Process

Many industries need tools made from high precision manufacturing processes. A top industry, much known for this requirement, is the Aviation industry. Because they deal with human lives, it is unwise that their machines come from low-quality and low-precision manufacturing process. Therefore, they bank on the high precision capability of CNC Machining.

2.CNC Machining Produces Parts with Accuracy

Another CNC machining advantage is its accuracy. Its programming codes and operator control allows it to produce parts as accurately depicted in the CAD file. Therefore, you don’t need to worry if there are many parts to fit into a bigger component. They will seamlessly fit into each other.

3.Material Choice

When compared with other manufacturing processes such as 3D printing, CNC machining has a valuable edge. That is it supports of many materials. For 3D printing and others, there is a limitation on the type of materials you can choose for your parts.

The only rule about choosing a material for CNC machining is its compatibility with the manufacturing process. Therefore, you will need to consider factors such as: Heat tolerance, Stress resistance, Hardness, Fastening, Design tolerance. Selection Hardware factory can process a variety of materials, such as aluminum, aluminum alloy, zinc alloy, copper, brass, bronze, iron, stainless steel, steel, etc.

 CNC History

When you look at the history of CNC machines, you will know that CNC machining did not start as many people think it did. Presently, wherever we say or see CNC machining, we expect a computerized process. However, CNC machining, to be precise, was just recently computerized.

The First CNC Machine

The first CNC machine was credited to James Parsons in 1949.  Parsons was a computer pioneer who worked on an Air Force Research Project. The research was about how to produce helicopter blades and better aircraft skin. Parsons was able to calculate helicopter airfoil coordinates with an IBM 602A multiplier. He then fed the data into a punched card, which he used on a swiss jig borer. This information led to the manufacture of many helicopter blades and aircraft skins. According to the accepted CNC history, this was considered the first CNC machine. Parson would later receive the Joseph Maria Jacquard Memorial Awards for his work.

Development of CNC Technology

Before the development of the first CNC machine, some machines could be instructed to make other tools. This was called Numerical Control (NC). You should notice the absence of Computerized (C).

Parsons would later develop the first CNC machine. With this development, there came an evolution. Below is a timeline of the evolution that occurred in the history of CNC machining.

1952 – 1958

As the Cold War became intense, there was a need to improve efficiency and productivity in making many machines and weapons. Therefore, in 1952, Richard Kegg, together with MIT, made the first CNC milling machine known as Cincinnati Milacron Hydrotel. Richard Kegg would later file for a patent for the Motor Controlled Apparatus for Positioning Machine tool in 1958.

1967 – 1972

CNC machining was becoming more recognized across the world. This was due to the Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Machining (CAM) development in 1972. CAD and CAM inclusion in CNC machining led to massive developments in CNC machining. However, the two were not regarded as a standard part of the manufacturing process.

1976 -1989

In 1976, 3D Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Machining were included into CNC machining. In 1989, CAD and CAM software-controlled machines became the industrial standard for CNC machines.

 Today’s CNC Industry

The evolution of CNC machines is unique. Starting from a simple machine controlled with a punch card to a software-powered machine is enigmatic. Because of the evolution, CNC machining became faster, more precise, and accurate than NC and the first CNC machine.

CNC Machining Applications

CNC machining has developed over time into something of wide recognition worldwide. Because of its advantages, many companies incorporated it into their manufacturing process. CNC machining is not only applicable to the industrial sector only. It is as important at the manufacturing level, which determines its use industrially. Below are the top industries applications and manufacturing capabilities of CNC machining.

1.Industrial Applications

  • Automotive

The Automotive industry is a major user of CNC machining. They depend on the manufacturing process in making their prototypes and in production.

  • Consumers Electronics

While it might be surprising, the consumer electronics industry also uses CNC machining. Companies such as Apple use CNC machining in their production.

  • Aerospace/Military

The two industrial sectors are major users of CNC machining. This is because of its high precision and accuracy. CNC machining is also ideal because it can produce on-demand replacement and upgraded versions of any parts.

2.Manufacturing Applications

  • Prototyping

CNC machining is a good process for making prototypes because it is autonomous. Once you have a CAD file, you can send it to a CNC machine, and fabrication will be done in a short time. These properties make it ideal for making prototypes.

  • Production

CNC machining has high precision and accuracy, which makes it ideal for making high-quality components. Its wide material supports also improves its use in parts fabrications.

Consequently, companies that use it to make prototypes also use it to create usable final parts.

  • Tooling

CNC machining is a gem in the direct manufacturing process and has been of immense help. However, it can also be used in the indirect manufacturing process to help in many processes, such as injection molding.


The history of CNC machining is unique. It has developed more from the first CNC machine that required punch card to a software-based machine that requires little guidance. CNC machining is the top manufacturing process incorporated into many industries.

Make Selection Hardware Your First Choice for CNC Machining

CNC machining is an important part of major manufacturing processes. This is evident in its adoption by many industries and the companies that offer the service to people. When you choose us, you can get to enjoy many benefits including instant online quotation, Design for Manufacturing analysis, strong engineering support, etc.

CNC machining materials

CNC machining is inarguably the lifeblood of the manufacturing industry with applications such as aerospace, medical devices, and electronics. In recent years, there have been incredible advancements in the field of CNC machining materials. Their wide portfolio now offers great combinations of material properties, cost, and aesthetics.

In this article, we will take a deep dive into the diversity of CNC materials. We will provide you with a comprehensive guide to selecting the right materials for CNC machining, including a detailed list of commonly used materials.

1.How to Choose the Best CNC Machining Material

Engineers are free to choose the best CNC material for their specific needs. Choosing the right material depends on several factors such as required strength, durability, surface finish and cost-effectiveness. Therefore, when selecting a CNC material, you must consider various factors to help you make an informed decision and ensure the success of your project.

Machining Environment

It is important to consider the machining environment when choosing CNC materials. Because different materials react differently to different machining conditions, such as cutting speed, tool material, and coolant.  The machining environment includes factors such as temperature, humidity, and the presence of contaminants. Therefore, taking into account the machining environment can help improve productivity, reduce costs, and ensure the quality of the finished product.

Part Weight

It is essential to consider part weight to ensure cost-effectiveness, performance, and manufacturability. Heavier parts require more material, which can increase the cost of production. Additionally, heavier parts may require larger and more powerful CNC machines to manufacture, which increases costs and production time. Therefore, choosing a material with a lower density, such as aluminum or magnesium, can help reduce the weight of the part and lower production costs.

Heat Resistance

Heat resistance directly impacts the material’s ability to withstand high temperatures without experiencing significant deformation or damage. During CNC machining process, the material being machined undergoes various heating and cooling cycles, particularly when it is being cut, drilled, or milled. These cycles can cause thermal expansion, warping, or cracking in materials that are not heat resistant.

Choosing CNC materials with good heat resistance can also help improve the machining process and reduce production costs. When a material can withstand high temperatures, it allows for faster cutting speeds and deeper cuts. This brings shorter machining times and reduced wear on tools.

Electrical Conductivity and Magnetic Requirements

In CNC machining, materials with high electrical conductivity are preferred because they can dissipate heat effectively. The heat generated during the process can cause the material to warp or deform. Materials with high electrical conductivity, such as copper and aluminum, can effectively dissipate heat, which helps to prevent these issues.

Magnetic properties are also important when choosing CNC materials.The materials have a strong magnetic field can affect the cutting process. Materials that are non-magnetic are preferred for CNC machining because they are not affected by the magnetic field and therefore produce a cleaner cut.


When a CNC material is too hard, it can be difficult to cut or shape, which can result in excessive tool wear, tool breakage, or poor surface finish. Conversely, a material that is too soft may deform or deflect under the cutting force, resulting in poor dimensional accuracy or surface finish. Therefore, choosing a material for CNC machining with appropriate hardness is critical for achieving high-quality, precision machined components.

Surface Finish

The surface finish affects the final machined product’s performance and appearance. For example, a part with a rough surface finish may experience more friction, which can lead to premature wear and failure. On the other hand, a part with a smooth surface finish will have less friction, resulting in improved performance and a longer lifespan. Additionally, the surface finish also plays a significant role in the aesthetics. A polished surface finish can improve the appearance of a part and make it more appealing to customers.

  • Aesthetics

If your CNC machining project is intended to produce a product that will be used in a high-end retail setting, aesthetics would be a significant factor. The material must be visually appealing, with an attractive texture, color, and surface finish. It should also be capable of being easily polished, painted, or finished to achieve a desired look.

  • Application

The final application of the product is the ultimate decision-maker. The aforementioned factors make up a small portion of all the reasons one considers before finalizing a CNC material. Other application-driven factors can include practical concerns like material machinability, chemical reactivity, adhesiveness, material availability, fatigue life, etc.

  • Budget

Budget is an important factor to consider for several reasons. The material’s cost can significantly vary depending on the type and quantity required. While some high-grade metals may be costly, plastics or composites can be more affordable. Setting a budget for materials will help narrow down your options and focus on materials within your price range.

2.The Best Materials for CNC Machining Projects

Now, let us move on to the next part of our discussion: types of CNC machining materials. We will discuss in detail the regular metals and plastics. Later, we will shift our focus to some less well-known CNC materials.

1. Metal CNC Materials

Metals are the most common material among CNC machined parts. They offer a wide range of favorable properties such as high strength, hardness, thermal resistance, and electrical conductivity.

Aluminum (6061, 7075)

Aluminum is widely considered to be one of the most versatile and valuable materials in CNC machining. It has an exceptional strength-to-weight ratio, lightweight nature, corrosion resistance, and striking silvery appearance,and easy to machine,which makes it a popular choice for manufacturers. The high-quality 6061 and 7075 grades of aluminum are particularly popular for use in aerospace frames, automotive engine parts, and lightweight sporting equipment.

Stainless Steel (316, 303, 304)

Stainless steel comes in numerous grades. Generally, though, it possesses high strength and toughness, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance, and has a shiny appearance like aluminum. Furthermore, it is among the mid-priced metals. However, it is a hard-to-machine CNC material due to its hardness.

l Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel

Carbon steel and related alloys offer excellent strength and machinability, making them ideal for use in many applications. They are also compatible with various heat treatment processes, further enhancing their mechanical properties. Moreover, carbon steel is relatively inexpensive compared to other CNC metals.


Brass is a versatile metal known for its excellent machinability, corrosion resistance, and thermal and electrical conductivity. It also boasts an attractive appearance thanks to its copper content, as well as excellent surface friction properties.

Brass finds numerous applications in various industries. For instance, it is commonly used in consumer products, low-strength fasteners, plumbing, and electrical devices. Its properties make it an ideal choice for manufacturing components that require durability and strength while retaining an aesthetic appeal.


Copper is renowned for its excellent electrical and thermal conductivity.  However, it can be challenging to machine due to its high malleability. This can cause difficulties in generating chips during CNC machining. In addition, copper is prone to corrosion, which can be a concern in certain environments.


Titanium alloys are known for their exceptional strength-to-weight ratios, making them lightweight and strong simultaneously. They are also corrosion-resistant and have good heat conductivity. Additionally, titanium is biocompatible, so they are suitable for biomedical applications.


Magnesium is a metal that combines strength with a low weight. Its excellent thermal properties make it ideal for use in high-temperature environments, such as in engines. Its lightweight nature allows for the production of lighter and more fuel-efficient vehicles. However, magnesium is also known for its flammability, which can make it a safety concern in certain applications. Additionally, it is not as corrosion-resistant as some other metals, such as aluminum, and can be more expensive to machine.

2.Plastic CNC Materials

We’ll now discuss CNC plastics. Although most plastic materials are not machinable due to their low rigidity and melting points, we have picked out the small group that has wide-ranging CNC applications.

  • Acetal (POM)

Acetal is a highly versatile CNC plastic with a range of desirable properties. It boasts excellent fatigue and impact resistance, decent toughness, and low friction coefficients. Besides, it is highly resistant to moisture, which makes it an excellent choice for use in damp environments.

  • Acrylic (PMMA)

Acrylic is a commonly used material that can serve as a substitute for glass due to its desirable properties. It has good rigidity and optical clarity, allowing it to be used in applications where see-through surfaces are necessary. Acrylic components offer an attractive and functional alternative to glass, with good optical clarity and a high degree of durability.

  • Polycarbonate (PC)

Polycarbonate (PC) is a popular plastic material used for CNC machining due to its unique set of properties.  It is highly transparent, making it an ideal material for use in products that require clarity, such as safety glasses, medical equipment, and electronic displays. Moreover, it has good heat resistance so it’s suitable for use in high-temperature applications.

  • Polypropylene (PP)

Polypropylene is a versatile polymer with numerous benefits, including high chemical resistance and fatigue strength. It is also a medical-grade material, and it produces a smooth surface finish when CNC machining. However, one of its limitations is that it cannot withstand high temperatures, as it tends to soften and gall during cutting, which makes it slightly challenging to machine.

  • ABS

ABS is a highly cost-effective plastic material that is well-suited for CNC machining due to its excellent machinability, tensile strength, impact resistance, and chemical resistance. Moreover, it can be easily colored, making it ideal for applications where aesthetics are important. However, ABS is not suitable for use in high-heat environments and is non-biodegradable. Besides, it produces an unpleasant fume when burned, which can be a concern in a CNC shop.

  • Nylon

Nylon is a versatile material with excellent tensile strength, hardness, and impact resistance. It can be used in a variety of composite forms, such as glass-fiber-reinforced nylon, and has superb surface lubrication capabilities. However, it is not recommended for use in moist environments.


UHMWPE is a popular material due to its exceptional properties, including high hardness, abrasion and wear resistance and durability. However, its thermal instability during machining makes it challenging to machine.

3.Other Materials

CNC machining commonly uses metals and plastics, but it can also work with many other materials, including those listed below.


Foams are a type of CNC material that are characterized by a solid body with air-filled voids. This unique structure gives foams a recognizable shape and remarkable lightness. Certain high-density foams, such as polyurethane foam and Styrofoam, can be easily machined due to their rigidity, strength, lightweight, and durability.


Wood is a widely used material for CNC machining due to its ease of machining, good strength and hardness, and wide range of available types. In addition, wood is an organic compound and has no negative impact on the environment. Due to its versatility and aesthetic appeal, wood is a popular choice for furniture, home decor, and DIY projects. However, wood machining generates a large amount of dust, which can pose health risks to workers. Therefore, it’s important for wood machining workshops to have proper swarf management systems in place.


Composites are materials made up of two or more constituents that are joined together with a bonding medium. Common composite materials used in CNC machining include carbon fiber, plywood, fiberglass, and others. These materials have applications in diverse industries, such as automotive, aviation, sports, and medical.

As material science has advanced, CNC machining has become increasingly reliant on thoughtful materials selection. At Selection Hardware, we specialize in CNC machining services, including CNC milling and turning, and offer an extensive range of materials, from sought-after metals to high-quality plastics. We have rich experience and a professional team, so we have the ability to provide customers with high-precision and high-quality CNC hardware products.